The SmartBoard is equipped with strength sensors that enables you to test yourself and quantify your training. No matter if you climb 5b or 9b, yellow tape or black tape, V0 or V16, the exercises are personalized and scheduled to suit each user's own level thanks to 3 diagnosis tests.
The sensors revolutionize the classic use of the hangboard. The direct feedback of the performance has a huge impact on the motivation of the climber. The fact that you can use your feet and still obtain data and scores makes the exercise much more fun, and adapted for everyone.
~ Train smarter. Climb harder.
~ How to use it ~
Based on scientific data, the diagnosis identify your climber profile.
Train with the exercices adapted from the results of your evaluations.
Use the results & the graphs to understand better about yourself.
Quantify your progression
& have fun while training !Personalize your profile
Create your personal training sessions and exercises.
Share your favorite exercises with the SmartBoard community.
Situate yourself
Compare your results to the references scores.
Find a SmartBoard
AllmySmartBoardSmartBoard promySmartBoard
625,00 €
800,00 €
Price excluding tax.
mySmartBoard is a sensor interface on which the user can set his favorite hangboard.
The App is available for Android & iOS devices.
User accounts limited to 4.
Compatible with Beastmaker 1000 series & Beastmaker 2000 series ; and very soon with YY Verticalboard One & Verticalboard Evo.
Payment in 4 free instalments with Paypal.
Delivered in less than 15 days.
(Hangboard not included)QuantityComing soonSmartBoard pro - Full Package
2.590,00 €
Price excluding tax
Sensors + Fingerboard + App + Tablet (Galaxy tab A or equivalent) + Tablet holder
(lease offer on demand)
Payment in 4 free instalments with Paypal.QuantityComing soonSmartBoard pro - Essential Package
2.290,00 €
Price excluding tax
Sensors + Fingerboard + App
(lease offer on demand)
Payment in 4 free instalments with PaypalQuantityComing soonRésiste!
La Force
Résiste! - Learning and training to be more resistant when climbing.
La Force - Train and succeed the hardest moves in climbing.
Wrote by Laurent Vigouroux & Clément Lechaptois
Useful documents
Some documents that may be useful when installing and using your SmartBoard
Installation advice - SmartBoard pro
What we recommend when installing the SmartBoard pro, and its dimensions.
Installation advice - mySmartBoard
What we recommend when installing the mySmartBoard, and its dimensions
Reference scores poster
Poster with the reference scores from the database of climbers we have assessed on the SmartBoard.
Frequently asked questions
Is the SmartBoard reserved to strong climbers ?
Of course, the SmartBoard was initially developed by the French climbing teams, but we have kept the quality of the tool while making it accessible to climbers of all levels. The fact that we use sensors allows us to carry out exercises with our feet on the ground, thus in a less intense way and adapted to the user's level.
Is it necessary to provide a power supply near the SmartBoard?
Yes, the SmartBoard is powered by a standard power outlet. You need a power supply for the SmartBoard, and one for the tablet. A single socket and a double power strip are perfectly suitable.
The SmartBoard and the tablet then communicate via a Bluetooth connection.How to set SmartBoard?
We recommend placing the SmartBoard on a vertical support wall, with the bottom of the hangboard 175cm above the ground.
It is necessary to have space above the SmartBoard to avoid hitting your head when doing pull-ups.
There must also be space under the hangboard to allow the legs to move freely.
Science for climbing © 2020